About Me

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Quinten Xavier Hale is our amazing son. He is almost years old and just a joy! He is sooo entertaining and we just love him to death! In August 2012 we will also be adding our 2nd bundle of joy into our Family. We hope you enjoy following our family blog along the way.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's Halloweeeeeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight was Halloween, mom & dad and I had a really long day today...I didn't even but 15 minutes of a nap either! I woke at 6:04am, ate some breakfast, helped mom cook and then went to church. After church it was time to go eat for Paw-Paw Theo's B-day at Texas Road House, boy was that an adventure! We ate and then came home...on the way home, Willow Smith (Jada & Will Smith's daughter who is 9) has a new song called "Wave your hair back and forth" and boy I just love hearing it and dancing in the back seat...I think that since she is only about 7 years older than me, I might keep her in mind for when I get older! Well once we got home, mom & dad got me ready to go Trick-Or-Treat! I was Tigger this year and looked so cute, I must say! We went first to see Aunt Bobbie and UNC Emmett, well, UNC was dressed up with a scary mask and I HATED it! Then walking along, I saw cousin Jaylin who was the Devil, I kept my eye on him all around the block cause he was super scary too! I kept hanging in there and even made it to PawPaw and MawMaw Rose house and stole some yogurt while I was there. When walking around there I got the hang of saying "Treat Treat" and even carrying the bag, I of course had to look in the bag after they gave me candy just to make sure it made it in there. Well, that about sums up my night....

Outside with Mom

Dad went to Decatur to see cousin Kirby run in Cross Country (2nd place!!!) and while he was gone, mom took me outside to play. Here are some pics of my fun time!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Coat...

Ok, navy blue shirt, khakis, navy blue velcro Chuck Taylors & a Navy blue Timberland coat. Hmmmm....too much blue? I don't think so, since it is mommy & daddy's favorite color I think it's ok.

Football After My Hair Cut

Football Before My Hair Cut

Everyday when I get home with daddy I ask to go Outside (ousigh) and play Football (foobaw)!! Here are a few pics of me before getting my hair cut last week.

Apple Barn

I hadn't had a nap all day but mommy really wanted to go to the Apple Barn in Chatham and show me Pumpkins (punkins)! I didn't care too much for them or for taking pics, as you can see!

Daddy Has Some Cool Stuff....

Daddy has this cool hat, I think you have seen it before, and I LOVE shoes! So, sometimes I wear his clothes and have mommy take some pictures of me.