About Me

My photo
Quinten Xavier Hale is our amazing son. He is almost years old and just a joy! He is sooo entertaining and we just love him to death! In August 2012 we will also be adding our 2nd bundle of joy into our Family. We hope you enjoy following our family blog along the way.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter 2012

The day before Easter my best buddy, Lena, came over with her mom, Alex and baby brother, Miles. We ate lasagna and had an Easter Egg Hunt! We got so much stuff and had a blast. The next day I went to church with my Mommy and Daddy and we spent the day going to eat and playing baseball and football in the backyard. It was a great time!

 This is Lena and I getting ready for our Easter Egg Hunt!

Baby Miles!

Going through our bags filled with toys the Easter Bunny brought us.

We got some really cool glasses!

Lena was getting her hair done. I kept telling her "You are doing a Great Job Lena!".

Acting silly before church. I was getting a little tired!

My "fresh" outfit that Daddy got me.

Me and My Daddy

Me and My Mommy

Playing Football

Playing Baseball

Q and His Thoughts...Hope you enjoy this one!

On occasion I decided to step in and blog instead of Q. He hates to let me on the computer but I can sometimes sneak it away from him. I like posting Q's "moments" so that we can always remember the silly things that Q does. Check out his most recent thoughts, they're worth a good laugh!

Q's Recent Thoughts:
-I have bigger hands than you mom b/c I'm a boy so I can carry the baby.
-Does the baby have a pony in your belly, mom?
-I can cover the baby's face with a blanket and take him to the park so I can throw him down the slide.
-Asparagus is like a monster but I ate it so now I have a Happy Plate.
-Purple boxer briefs are not for boys, they're for girls but you can wear pink one's if you want. 

This kid amazes us sometimes but we never quit laughing!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Henson Robinson Zoo with the Lockridge Family

Mommy and Alex decided to take advantage of the amazing day and take me, Lena and baby Miles to the Zoo. We had fun seeing the animals but most of all we loved playing on the playground. Despite Lena telling me I couldn't sit on the frogs eye and me hitting her, we had a good day. Hope Mommy and Alex take us to do more fun things this summer!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My NY Yankee Room

I asked Mommy and Daddy for a new bed because I was getting too big for my toddler bed. They found me the perfect Captains Bed and brought it home for me today. Daddy used Uncle Emmett's truck to go get that and a mattress for me. Cousin Shaun came over to help Daddy while I went to MawMaw and PawPaw Rose's house. Mommy had been gone all day with Aunt SheShe but to my surprise, when I got home, Mommy was here!

I was soooo excited because her and Daddy said my new room was ready to see! I love it! It is all NY Yankees. Mommy says she has more to do but this is perfect. I am not too sure about sleeping in this bed yet, I am a little nervous but I sure like all the space! 

My Captains Bed with new Comforter and Sheets

These are the knobs for my storage drawers!

My glove from Great PawPaw Hackl & My hitter

My Louisville Slugger


Checking out my New Bed!

So I wanted to wear my Basketball Shoes and needed Basketball Shorts too....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy Feet Soccer

I started a new Soccer Program at school called Happy Feet. It is pretty neat. Every week on Tuesday we watch movies at school THEN on Thursdays Happy Feet comes!! My teacher Miss Melissa took some pictures of me one day when we got to wear our pajamas and I was so lucky because it was Soccer Day too!

We call the Soccer Ball "Bobcat" and they teach us where we can touch him and how to kick him. I explained to Mommy last week that we even kick him soft in the sand on the beach. She doesn't fully understand this Happy Feet thing but it's so much fun so she is better off not knowing, she will probably worry.

So far, I really like Soccer. I love every sport if you can't tell but Soccer is very cool! Oh, wanna know a fact about me? I throw with my right hand but always always kick with my left foot. Well, hope you enjoy my pics!